These types are invariably social addicts needing emotional propping up in any of their key decisions or ideas.
The only known cure for such lack of integrity is to accept direction from the spiritual realm.
The churches call this “acting in faith” however what I’m describing is generally outside religious law, often in a somewhat radical way.
Of note is a current practice of sending police out as man-woman teams. The many “politically correct” rationalizations for this fail scrutiny when one considers the nature of bonds built between male and female in such close work.
Further, in this age of “it’s all good” type justifications re adult sex, it would seem clear any such addition to the emotional aspect would render genuine professional detachment and impartial accountability virtually impossible (either within the “team” or individually to the force as a whole)
Another aspect is ex partners:
An ‘ex’ can often retain substantial emotional and consequently financial control due to unresolved fear/guilt through religion and quasi-religious dogma in the other party.
The client is generally unaware of the underlying pathology due to having no other reference ie they’ve always been in fear to some degree from early programming so what they perceive as ‘normal’ another would see as false guilt and unfounded/ungrounded fear. Consequently the aware individual questions and immediately extricates where possible any false beliefs to return personal integrity and a clear defence strategy against the controller.